PD - Kathryn Berkett
Working with those who are Over-Sensitised Friday 19th July 2019 What did I learn? Complex behaviour requires simple interventions because we need to work with the lower parts of the brain. This includes the four R's; Relationships, Repetition, Routine, and Rhythm. The lower brain needs to be happy and safe to allow the upper brain to engage. Lower Brain = Brainstem/Limbic (Survival/Emotional) -Survival tasks -Impulsive -Irrational -Selfish -"Two year old" capacity -Doesn't think of how things will affect others. Upper Brain = Cortex (Managing) -Over-rides impulses -Plans -Sequences -Manages time -Abstract -Empathises The first thousand years are crucial as this is when the foundation is built, even before a baby is born. 86 Billion cells need to form to create a newborn baby. This is done through production, migration and differentiation. This is a chemical process which is why it is so important to not mix with any other chemicals...