Math Learning

How do my students know what they are learning in Mathematics?

Students know what they are learning in Math as a result of consultation with them over the learning progressions for for each unit i.e. Measurement, Geometry. These progressions have been developed as a school and students are well aware of them. They outline what topics need to be covered and what needs to be achieved for that level (not all students are at the same level). 

The progressions prove effective when looking for gaps in students learning. The progressions can also be accessed through Google Drive and each one has a link to the Maths Hub. On the Hub, students and teachers can find helpful videos, activities and tasks all about that specific section. 

Students also know what they are learning in Math through the WALT (we are learning to...) for the lesson. This is written on the whiteboard, discussed and copied it into their books. Other ways would be through mathematical discussions, group work, workshops and the activities provided.

I believe that the students truly know and understand what they are doing when it relates to real life. When they are able to make that connection, a truer understanding of Mathematics begins to develop and they know the 'what' and 'why' of that particular lesson or unit. 


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