School Production 2019


2nd and 3rd of July 2019

The school production has been a major learning curve for me. It was always something I loved to do as a student, however, I had no idea how much work really went into it behind the scenes.

It was an amazing experience to work alongside one of my colleagues, the parents who helped, members of the St James Theatre, and other members of the community. I feel as though I have spread my web of connections throughout Gore.

Under the wing of my colleague, I learnt so much! From costumes to makeup, from lighting to music. My organisation skills have improved as we needed to plan endless meetings and practices coming up to the week of the show.

The day of, I was offered the chance to be stage manager and to be honest I was reluctant. But I am so glad I took on another responsibility because it was a great opportunity. I feel as though I gained a lot of self-confidence, not only as a teacher, but as a member of my community and I can say that I would definitely be able and willing to direct another school production!


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