Extending Top Readers

How am I extending my top readers?

I am extending my top readers in my class by offering challenges for them to do when they finish work earlier than others. These challenges are always available in a box in the classroom. Every 5 or so weeks I update them and add more to the box They are laminated so they can be used again. All the children know where they are and any student can use them, however, they are aimed at a higher level as to challenge and extend.

Another way I have extended my top readers this year is I have created a new guided reading group of seven children who need extending. My original guided reading groups are mixed ability to allow for tuakana-teina. These groups are still focussing on poems and school journals, as for my top readers, they are reading a thick novel of a higher level. 

Lastly, to extend the top readers within my new guided reading group, I am using Blooms Taxonomy and developing those higher skills, such as, analysing, evaluating and creating. This raises the level of complexity and offers a variety of domains i.e. cognitive, affective and sensory.


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