Deep Learning PLD July 2020

Activating Deep Learning

The Future of Learning:

1. Navigate the Disruption: 

Not everyone has the same experience during schooling through lockdown, however it can be broken down into three phases; the unsettled zone, learning zone and growth zone. 

2. Reflect on Lessons Learned:

It is important to reflect on lessons learned focussing particularly on Safety and Operations, Well-Being and Learning. Well-being is the bridge between safety and learning. Decisions should be filtered through the lens of equity, well-being and quality learning.
What did we learn about our students?
What did we learn about our families?
Who has learnt well during this phase? Why?
Who has struggled? Why?
How did technology help/hinder?

3. Emerging Discoveries:

Students who thrived demonstrated competencies of:
-critical thinking
-independence as learners
-self regulation
-cognitive flexibility

4. Reimagining:

What knowledge, skills and attributes do our students need to thrive in this complex world?
What kind of learning is needed for this current and future complexity?
How do we ensure equity and well-being?
What have we learnt from remote learning?
How can technology be best leveraged for the future?

5. Global Competencies for Deep Learning -6C's:

  • Character
  • Citizenship
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Critical Thinking

6. Parents as Partners:

How can they engage their children at home?
Connection between home and school. 

"Emotion is the gatekeeper of motivation, cognition and attention." Education Reimagined: The Power of Learning, (2020), p.g 9.

Well-being and Deep Learning are mutually reinforcing, they're inextricably linked, and what connects them is human relationships.

Learning Design that Engages:

The Four Elements of Learning Design:

  • Pedagogical Practices
  • Learning Partnerships
  • Learning Environments
  • Leveraging Digital
"The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready made knowledge." 

How might I use the four elements to enhance the design of learning?

Pedagogical Practices: learner driven not content driven, choice and agency.
Learning Partnerships: build relationships and connections, connecting to families, support them.
Learning Environment: well-being, purpose, safety, belonging, encourage students to take responsibility for their learning and in collaboration with others.
Leveraging Digital: leverage collaboration creativity. 

"What emerges is a more powerful way technology can be used when it moves from simply a system of delivery to a vehicle for collaboration, discovery, understanding and action." Education reimagined: The Power of Learning, (2020). 

Teaching as Activators, Culture Builders and Collaborators:


  • Establish challenging learning goals and success criteria
  • Access pedagogical practices to meet varying needs and contexts
  • Provide effective feedback to activate higher levels of learning.
Culture Builder:
  • Establish norms of trust and risk-taking to foster innovation and creativity
  • Engage student voice as co-designers
  • Cultivate learning environments to support perseverance, self control and belonging.
  • Connect to students, families and community
  • Engage in collaborative inquiry with colleagues
  • Build and share knowledge of deep learning.
(Joanne Quinn, 2018)


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