Observations and Collaboration 4th March 2020

Observation - Wednesday 4th March 2020 9:00am
Year 8 classroom - Writing session

Sheena Cameron Success Criteria - writing must include a hook, how the character feels, four adjectives, what the character sees etc.

Small group with teacher - learning what makes a sentence.
Mixed ability group?
Asking students ideas. Doing an example as a group.
- capital letters
- full stops
- words

Looking into the different types of words (verbs, nouns, pronouns, adverbs, prepositions ect.)
Interactive - using posters on the wall. Getting the student to use the resources provided for them.

Writing on the whiteboard table - all students can see. They write in their books. creating a google slide with each students sentences so they can all look and analyse looking for clauses which makes it a complex sentence.

Types of sentences - simple, complex and compound.

Rest of class working independently on their contracts which includes writing, math and reading. They have Must Do's and Can Do's to complete for the week. Some students working on their independent writing can use the picture provided by the teach (which is up on the TV) or they can choose their own picture from Pobble 365. The students like having this choice and they enjoy the site Pobble because not only does it provide a picture but also a story starter.

The work done on the computers are shared with the teacher so she can check in with them. The students highlight to indicate the success criteria within their own writing. They then have 2 buddies read it and give feedback (2 good things, 1 to work on).

She also has the E-asttle marking rubric enlarged, printed and laminated for the students to use as a guide to improve their writing.

Students are using laptops or their books to write. Low achievers have an iPad to do their writing and reading with apps to support them.

Working Spaces: The students choose where they sit on jelly bean, semi-circle and triangle tables. They can also sit on the couch or bean bags. Some students are allowed to work in the corridor and they are identified on the whiteboard. The students books and pencil cases are in individual containers in the cupboard. This allows them to move around spaces in the class rather than being stuck in one place.

What can I incorporate into my classroom?

E-asttle provided.
Making shared docs or sheets within groups.
Pobble 365 for independent writing.
Fitness breaks - baby shark gym and planking for as long as they can (personal best).

Observation - Wednesday 4th March 2020 10:00am
Two Year 8 classes combined - Math session

Students record evidence of what they are doing in Maths in their contract.
Announce the workshops they are doing and the students they expect to see based on the Step Up results. Going to put workshops on the board so they can sign up once they get more into a routine.
Checking in with children who aren't going to a workshop as to what they are going to work on independently. E-ako and Club 100 is an option.

They use both classrooms, a workshop going in both.

In workshops, resources and equipment is used to make it hands-on learning and interactive. The students use scrapbooks for jotting down what they do at the workshop. Students take turns coming up with questions for the group to solve.
If they understand they can leave the workshop and go work independently.

What can I incorporate into my classroom?

Challenge cards
Math Contract especially the reflection/Seesaw section.
Club 100
Laptops are labelled with 2 names which means it's for them to use.


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