Reciprocal Reading - RTLB Support 2020

Reciprocal Reading through RTLB

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What have I learnt?Reciprocal reading is a technique used to improve students comprehension and also their involvement. This reading comprehension strategy encourages students to develop their reading skills when it comes to being an effective reader. Naturally and automatically, effective readers predict, clarify, question and summarise what they are reading. However, students need to be taught how to do that and the more the do it, the more natural it will become. Reciprocal reading has also had a massive impact on student engagement in only the short time frame we have been doing it in class. I'm looking forward to it continuing and seeing the students become effective and enthusiastic readers. 

Reciprocal Reading consists of four strategies:
1. Predicting
2. Clarifying
3. Questioning
4. Summarising 

The clarifiers can use different resources, such as, dictionaries, atlas's, Google and thesauruses to define unknown words for the class.

What will I incorporate?

  • Starting with a warm-up drama game e.g. the question game, conversation game, party quirks or the numbers game. 
  • Linking our class reading with our inquiry topic for the Term.
  • To set small tasks for those target children or ones who don't participate. Tell them ahead of time so they can have time to think or find the answer. This way more children are engaged and involved in the discussions. 
  • Think, pair, share works really well, especially for those who need that time to process and then respond. 
  • Sometimes skimming or scanning rather than reading a full page. Teach the difference. Skimming is quickly reading over the words. Scanning is looking for something specific. 
  • Focus on one page at a time, depending on how much text there is. 
  • The text should be challenging.
  • Incorporate Tuakana-Teina. The students can have a go at being the teacher. 
  • Glue the strategies into their reading books.
  • Following the strategies during their guided reading sessions too. 


On Thursday 5th March I was observed by a member of RTLB who had been working alongside me to set up Reciprocal Reading in my classroom.
I have included her notes from the observation.

Obs Notes 

Student Voice Reflection:


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