My opinion of the PRIDE Values

What is your opinion of the PRIDE Values and why?

Perseverance, Resilience, Integrity, Diversity and Excellence. 

These values underpin a good, moral human being.
They are at the base of everything we should be doing as teachers and as role models in society.

The values are 'big' words for some of our lower level learners, so they need to be so explicitly and specifically taught so they can fully understand what these values mean and how they can live by them and display them in their day to day life. They need a secure understanding of this by the time they move on from us at the end of year 8. They need to understand how important these words are and how they can demonstrate them in real life. 

Not every child has an ingrained background of these values for a variety of different reasons (home life may not reflect these values). So, unless we teach them, they may never have an opportunity to learn from these. And it is so important for them to learn them!

The student this age also seem to be resistant to change and can have a negative attitude towards it. Society has changed since we were all intermediate age which has in turn changed the students we are dealing with. Some are very street-wise.

For the PRIDE values to be more explicit at school we could have them displayed somewhere in the hall in assembly to keep them at the front of the students and staffs mind. We could incorporate them into drama in the classroom (skits and freeze frames etc.) to help teach these values in class. Also, not just teaching the values at the start of the year, but keep on returning to these throughout the year to ensure students are continuing to develop their understanding of our school values. 


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