Staff Meetings (Term One)

Staff Meetings - Term One

Monday 11th February 2019

After looking at the first Principle of Learning, "Learners at the centre", I have established that my planning should be based on the learners needs and interests. Due to a lot of students forming an interest in the topic of war, particularly because of the Treaty of Waitangi, it would be a good focus for this term. However, students will be able to steer their learning and focus on what in particular interests them.  I will be differentiating the learning and being inclusive of all my students.

Another part of this is knowing our learners and I feel I have been doing that over the past 3 weeks getting to know their interests, whanau, hobbies, sports and unique things about each of them. 

Smart Goals Video

The smart goals video is a great way for me to remember to keep my goals simple and achievable. It's perfect when I will be setting goals throughout the year for my Induction and Mentoring programme. Also, my teacher inquiry for my appraisal this year.

Based on another topic we discussed during this staff meeting, I am wanting to incorporate the writing progressions in a way where the student will check off what they have achieved. To do this, they will need to show evidence of the writing progression being used frequently and accurately in their work. This will encourage student agency and is a great way for students to become even more involved and responsible for their own learning.

Writing Progressions 

Monday 18th February 2019

Over the past week we were allocated time to start planning an overview for Term 1. We discussed our topic being focused on Anzac/war, sticking to measurement for maths, singing waiata for our arts, and te reo and pepeha for languages. 

We collaborated our ideas during this staff meeting and matched up really well. For myself I will find it difficult to plan on my own without such a strong foundation. I am used to the planning being very set in stone. However, I know my associate teacher will help me find my foothold.

I have attached my inquiry plan for the term

After discussing the second Principle of Learning,  "The Social Nature of Learning", I have made a note of wanting to include the community in learning, ensure learnings can collaborate with different groups, and having a chance to mix up classes for different learning activities. I have already taken an idea onboard and I am using mixed ability groups for reading and writing. This way Tuakana-Teina learning opportunities can happen naturally. 

Lastly, we were trained by Marie, our Public Health Nurse, on the use of epi-pens for children who have anaphylactic reactions.

Monday 11th March 2019

2019 School Learning Targets

100% of students will make accelerated progress in Mathematics 2019. Accelerated progress is defined as more than 0.5 a year

What can we do to make this happen?
Classes are no longer streamed to enhance our inclusive vision of education at Longford Intermediate.

There is to be an emphasis on growth mindset throughout the school

Students and teachers will be involved in conversations around how to learn best.

Our school is taking part in Ministry provided PLD throughout 2019 and 2020

We will review assessment data with staff and identify at risk students

There will be regular staff meetings to discuss progress

Resources will be purchased to meet needs in mathematics and statistics

Staff will work with parents/caregivers and whanau on ways to support students’ maths learning

School wide learning progressions are to be created and used to enhance student agency

School wide moderation

Effective and timely assessment will be a focus.

Student wellbeing will improve throughout the school

What can we do to make this happen?
We will follow a self review process by engaging in the  NZCER wellbeing toolkit.

Staff will revise the bullying policy to create a bullying prevention and response policy.

We will run a bullying education unit in classrooms to empower students.

As a staff we will go through ERO’s five vital aspects that successfully promote and respond to student wellbeing.

To strengthen and enhance our PB4L portfolio we will train in and implement a restorative practice programme.


Monday 25th March 2019

After discussing how Science is going in our classrooms, we decided it is still necessary to teach each component (i.e., diagrams, predictions, hypothesises etc) separately before we can bring it all together. As part of our assessment, each class will complete a baseline assessment in Week 10 which will later be moderated as a staff. 


Students will be uploading more reflective work onto Seesaw. I have created a Checklist for Term 2 which we will use and reflect on its success. Using Seesaw in this way means in can be used for assessment and reporting to the students families.

Monday 1st April 2019

What I take away from this video is that as teachers we need to allow our students different ways to learn and we need to be comfortable with the fact that we can teach Maori students differently. We should set high expectations and expect excellence. Some ways Maori prefer to learn can also benefit other students too. 

Monday 8th April 2019

Long Term Plan completed as a staff for Term 2.


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