How to Improve my Math Lessons - Observed

Improving my Math Lessons

My Goal:

During my meeting with my associate teacher, on Thursday 28th March 2019, I brought up the fact that I am not feeling confident with how my math lessons were going. I felt uneasy about the structure and wanted some new ideas to start Term Two strong.

My associate shared with me how she teaches math in her class. She uses a rotation system in which she sees two groups a day. While a group is being guided by her, the rest of the groups have a certain task to do. This may be watching a video on Maths Hub (before seeing the teacher), working on a task on Education Perfect, doing a practice worksheet, or working with the Figure It Out books.

All of this was very helpful and I began to ask myself:
Should I set up a Math rotation?
Would it benefit my students?
Would it work with the behaviour in my class?

Considering a rotation system works quite well for Literacy, I'm going to give it a go for Term Two and then reflect on how it works.

Measurement Rubric

Observation notes from associate.

What I will use to improve my practice?

Praise the students who are quiet and focused more to encourage others to do the same.
Create a way of gaining the students attention, before speaking, to ensure that all students have stopped and are listening to instructions.
Have a brain break during transition times, instead of in the middle of a lesson.


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