Incorporating ICT Effectively

Incorporating ICT Effectively

One of my first goals this year is to incorporate ICT into lessons more often and effectively.

Thinking back to a staff meeting in February we touched on making SMART Goals.

To make sure my goal is SMART I needed to ensure it meets these five essentials:

S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Realistic/Relevant
T- Timely


To make my goal more specific I need to ensure it is clear, precise and concrete.

My goal is to incorporate the use ICT effectively in lessons at least two days a week.


To guarantee my goal is measurable I need to have some way of recording progress. Term One Inquiry Plan

My goal is to incorporate the use ICT effectively in lessons at least two days a week which will be shown within my planning.


To make sure I attain my goal I need to develop a pathway that will lead me there. 

My goal is to incorporate the use ICT effectively in lessons at least two days a week which will be shown within my planning and will be supported by my own research, my associate teacher and our head of ICT.


My goal is realistic and relevant because technology and the internet has become an integral part of every individual's life. 

My goal is to incorporate the use ICT effectively and relevantly in lessons at least two days a week which will be shown within my inquiry-based planning and will be supported by my own research, my associate teacher and our head of ICT.


Although, this is a goal I will continue to increase throughout the year and my future career as a teacher, I aim to achieve this goal by the end of the term.

My goal is to incorporate the use ICT effectively and relevantly in lessons at least two days a week which will be shown within my inquiry-based planning and will be supported by my own research, my associate teacher and our head of ICT. I will achieve this goal in 6 weeks.

Here is some work by a group of three students using a laptop for research and their own choice of presenting their information.

Toroa Royal Albatross Presentation


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