Induction & Mentoring PLD

Induction & Mentoring PLD

Tuesday 12th February 2019

Introductory Workshop

Our Standards for the Teaching Profession

Our Code, Our Standards

Support for PCT

Mau ki te atu

What I learnt?

“It is understood that high quality practices will generate naturally occurring evidence that can be used for discussion and analysis. For the purposes of appraisal, it is not expected that teachers would need to identify evidence of individual elaborations: however, the evidence of the quality and quantity of their practice would need to be sufficient to reflect the standard.” ~ Teacher Standards p.g 18

When it comes to documenting evidence, I learnt that it can come from a range of sources:
  • planning
  • student work
  • photos
  • observations
  • student assessments
  • videos
  • meeting minutes
  • reflective notes

Documenting evidence can also be from a range of perspectives, such as, my own, my mentor's, my students, the students' whānau and the wider community.

What I will incorporate?

Areas of focus:
Teaching as inquiry
Developing and managing documentation for I & M

Wednesday 13th March 2019

Workshop PowerPoint

Ehara taku toa i te takitahi engari he toa takitini. My strength is not that of a single warrior but that of many

What I learnt?

Professional learning conversations are necessary for growth and development.

“ Collegial workplaces depend on teachers’ openness and readiness to improve. They must have reference groups of peers for identifying problems and taking action; ample time for observations, and discussions; and administrators who both encourage teachers and accommodate their needs as they explore new collegial relationships” ~ Susan Moore Johnson.

Putting Together Evidence

Education Council Evidence Graph

Teacher Standards


Our Standards - In Brief

Renewal of full certification

Annual appraisal using Standards –
meet Standards

Education Council suggest:

  • Notes from appraisal discussions (2 times minimum )
  • Notes from observation & feedback (2 times minimum)
  • Summary appraisal report

Moving from Provisional to full

Annual appraisal using Standards –
meet Standards

Education Council suggest:

  • Notes from appraisal discussions more than experienced teacher
  • Notes from observation & feedback more than experienced teacher
  • Summary appraisal report
  • Induction & Mentoring programme (2 years)
  • Regular meetings with mentor
  • Teaching observations
  • Engagement in & reflection on PLD

What I will incorporate?

Teaching as Inquiry

‘Teaching as Inquiry’ is a cyclical process that teachers and leaders use to help them reflect on the effectiveness of their practice, its impact on students, and what changes they need to make. The fundamental purpose of ‘Teaching as Inquiry’ is to improve teachers’ teaching and outcomes for students.

  • Use the natural occurring evidence as part of my PCT. Work together with my colleagues to document our teaching as inquiry unit for our mathematics curriculum focus. 
  • Use the Teaching as Inquiry cycle.
  • Make links to Our Standards.
  • Highlight my own learning needs in the context of my classroom I am in now.
  • Observe other teachers and how they achieve certain aspects.
  • Work alongside my mentor modelling effective management practices. 
  • Be observed by my mentor and consider feedback.
  • Involve the students - student voice.
  • Self-evaluation. Consider what has been the impact of my changed action? Once again, link to Our Standards. 
  • What are my next steps?

Behaviour - example of Teaching as Inquiry

August 2019

What I learnt?

What I will incorporate?


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