Observation of Science 2nd June 2020
Tuesday 2nd June 2020 Year 7/8 Class Experiment: Testing eggs in different liquids What I will incorporate: Scientific diagram rules enlarged on the wall, very clear to see. The rules were also printed and glued into the the front of each students science book. Students are reminded to check the rules before and after drawing their diagrams. Always referring back to the steps in science: prediction, investigation, observation, diagram and explanation. Sentence starters and oral examples from teacher and students practice with a buddy. E.g. I think this happened because... I observed that when... When some students share back their sentences, the teacher gave feedback regarding what they did well and scaffolds them to be more specific adding detail and scientific vocabulary. Also, sometimes she would ask if the rest of the class agreed or disagreed with the statements made and why. Success criteria discussed with students before they do each task. E.g. "What do I...